After a bad nights sleep (time zones were taking their toll) we had a late breakfast and caught then bus into the city. People very helpful. A man showed us a day pass so we have been in and out to the city twice.
Just after arriving in town we had a phone call from Kath and Sam saying that Sam had proposed. What a great way for us to start the day. Very exciting, and no more traveling next year – apart from the trip we have already planned, oh then there’s the trip to Queensland and …. We are very happy and excited for them.
We wandered around the centre of town and through the local Saturday markets. Saw what we thought were the typical European style flats, house and shops. Visited the local cathedral but we couldn’t actually go in as Mass was in progress – we will go back there tonight at 6pm. Went to mass. May have been a high mass as we had lots of incense and singing. The altar servers all wore the red long things with white surplices. The cathedral dates back to 780 and little of it was damaged during the war. Most others buildings were destroyed but have been rebuilt using old postcards. A very pretty city. People live in the city and lots of flower boxes everywhere. We are very close to the city with the bus stop straight out front.
Today the hotel sponsored some sort of sports event and there were people doing a type of absailing down the 24 storeys of the hotel.
Once again we tried to do an email to congratulate Kath and Sam on their engagement but the email here is not working properly.
Ohhhh - another wedding! SOOOO exciting.
Congrats to Kath and Sam.
Nana and Pop, we miss you.
All our love Megan, Richard, Luke and Campbell
VERY EXCITING NEWS! I saw the engaged couple last night - great news!! We are excited!!!
Good to hear you made it safely and no missed buses/trains/planes.
We all caught up with Kath and Sam last night - its great news and there are already plans in motion for a Las Vegas bucks party.
Hope your bus trip is fun. Love Ben.
Just thought I would try to leave a message..Your blog is now a shortcut on the computer so I will look in anticipation for your regular updates...good to talk today. Will do it again soon...
love Colleen
ps who said I wasnt technically competent!!
Great news from Oz. We spoke to Kath to congratulate her. Second last visitors leave today.
This is a test to see if comments work for us.
Congratulations to Kath & Sam and to the parents of the bride. Best wishes to you all. Love your family at St John's.
So excited about Kath and Sams engagement. Hope you are having a fantastic time. It was great to see you both at the wedding. Looking forward tpo hearing about the rest of your trip.
Congrats on Sam and Kath's engagement! Hope you are enjoying your bus tour.
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